Tag Archives: rockfeature

Sh*t People Say to Women Musicians

Being part of an all lady rock n’ roll writing group makes our write-ups late nights filled with wine, wild stories, and candid hearts. A beautiful bassist/rock n’ roll publicist in our crew once shared a story about her childhood that made us all a little jealous. She was 14 and looking for musicians to […]

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The Doll Who Sold the World

An artist after our own heart, New York artist Катёк has taken fan art to the next level by creating dolls of David Bowie that look…. exactly like David Bowie. It’s downright eerie. In true fan fashion, Катёк makes the dolls out of pure celebration for Bowie’s music and style, not commercial enterprise. “Unless you are […]

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Crush Of The Week: Amanda Palmer

“Who knew she was smart?” is a common comment on videos of singer Amanda Palmer talking. It’s like when the internet found out Jennifer Lawrence could talk. Holy shit. An entertainer’s got smarts. Fancy that. “For most of human history, musicians, artists, they’ve been part of the community. Connecters and openers, not untouchable stars. Celebrity […]

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There’s Just Something About… Sigur Ros

There’s just something about Sigur. Is it that they just left on tour last night? People always seem more important when they’re gone. Or when they’re coming to see you for just one warm night. Is it that they left with the sweetest ol’ grandaddy suitcase? That makes you want them to wheel you alllllllllll […]

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